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Air Spading
Below is a video of Ollie carrying out air spading around a retained tree in London.
Aerial inspections
Note none of the below were observable from ground level. In all cases, aerial inspections were essential to inform risk management/remedial works.
This cedar has been subject to historic pruning including this old flush cut. There are hollows extending into the limb and a crack extending down one side. This limb is over an access road and the recommendation was to reduce the weight but preserve the feature for biodiversity purposes.
This cedar limb exhibits a torsional split and the weight of the limb rests on another lateral below. The recommendation was to remove the weight of this limb to both remove the risk and alleviate stress on the limb below.
Another cedar limb with cavity extending downwards to around 10cm. It is upward facing and could not be seen from ground-level, meaning without this inspection it would have been missed. The recommendation here was to reduce the limb to take the weight off and retain the feature for habitat value - it is a ready-made bat box!
This holm oak had large wound in a main union and a large squirrel drey beneath with some downward decay. This aerial assessment allowed the arboricultural consultant to programme an appropriate program of monitoring and remedial works.
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